Customer Satisfaction Survey

Thank you 🤝 for trusting us with your business challenges. We want to know your thoughts and experiences regarding our team, services, and how we can better serve you. Please feel free to express yourself.

Last Page
First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Name of organisation *
Fill required fields before moving to the next step!

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements:

1. How satisfied are you with our services? *
2. How would you rate the support you received? *
3. How likely are you to recommend our services to others? *
4. How likely are you to use our services again? *
5. How would you rate your experience with our Team? *
6. Did our solution meet your expectations? *
Fill required fields before moving to the next step!
7. In your own words, please describe how you feel about Talku Talku and our service. *
8. How can we improve your experience with us? *
9. Do you have any additional comments or feedback for us? *

Submission Successful!

Thank you for completing the LinkedIn for Brands Activation form. We’ll review your details and be in touch soon to discuss the next steps.

Application Successful!

Thank you for your application! We’ll review your submission and be in touch if your qualifications meet our needs.

Agreement Confirmed!

Thank you for confirming your agreement to include your short story in our audio storybook project.

Appointment Scheduled Successfully!

Thank you for scheduling your appointment with us! We’re thrilled to have you on board. Please check your e-mail inbox for the meeting details.

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We care about your experience. Fill in your details and we’ll contact you shortly.